LA0BY Perseids activity 2011 from JO59FW/IX

Below is the list of complete contacts made.

LA0BY in JO59FW wkd via MS on 144 MHz:

20110811  2145 2208  HA6NY     JN98WC  38 26  FSK  1449km  random
20110812  0405 0410  DK5EW     JN48MB  27 28  FSK  1324km  random
20110812  0435 0442  HB9FAP    JN47PH  27 27  FSK  1406km  random
20110812  0504 0520  OK6TW     JN89JM  27 27  FSK  1226km  random
20110812  0624 0638  9A3JH/p   JN74BX  27 27  FSK  1681km  random
20110812  0646 0658  RX1AS     KO48VR  38 27  FSK  1101km  random
20110812  0733 0740  DL5FDP    JN49LP  27 26  FSK  1148km  random

Equipment JO59FW: 500W and 9-ele Yagi (EIRP 13 kW), 100m asl

LA0BY in JO59IX wkd via MS on 144 MHz:

20110812  1727 1736  RV3IG/3   KO88SA  27 26  FSK  1541km  random
20110812  1740 1753  RA3FP     KO94AV  38 26  FSK  1716km  random
20110812  1807 1837  R5AO      KO86VA  26 28  FSK  1642km
20110812  1916 1926  RA3WDK    KO81BR  27 26  FSK  1816km  random
20110812  1949 2001  RZ3AED    KO86RD  27 26  FSK  1618km  random
20110812  2017 2026  R3BM      KO85PD  26 26  FSK  1661km  random
20110812  2056 2103  UA3WM     KO72QI  27 27  FSK  1732km  random
20110812  2112 2150  UW8SM     KN28IV  26 26  FSK  1523km
20110812  2152 2206  UY9VY     KN68DM  26 26  FSK  1879km  random
20110812  2305 2327  RA3ICQ    KO77    27 27  FSK  1421km  random
20110813  0501 0508  UT5U      KO50DD  38 26  FSK  1647km  random
20110813  0524 0535  US8ZAL    KN66AU  27 26  FSK  2014km  random
20110813  0542 0616  YO9MN     KN24SP  27 27  FSK  1971km  random
20110813  0647 0653  F6FHP     IN94TR  27 27  FSK  1850km  random
20110813  0657 0748  F6HTJ     JN12KQ  26 26  FSK  1995km  40W 11ele
20110813  0753 0806  RW3XR     KO73FU  27 26  FSK  1583km
20110813  0818 0828  GW8JLY    IO81JM  36 38  SSB  1277km  random
20110813  0829 0837  F6DRO     JN03TJ  37 26  SSB  1943km  random
20110813  0838       G4AEP     IO91NJ  37 27  SSB  1196km  random
20110813  0838       F4EZJ     JN05DK  38 37  SSB  1758km  random
20110813  0838       F6DKW     JN18CS  38 37  SSB  1360km  random
20110813  0911       DD3SF     JN39LF  37 55  SSB  1219km  random
20110813  0911       DF2ZC     JO30RN  38 27  SSB  1067km  random
20110813  1034 1057  F4CWN     JN03KN  26 26  SSB  1942km 
20110813  1102 1106  EI4DQ     IO51WU  27 27  FSK  1472km  random
20110813  1108 1215  F/SV1NZX  JN33NN  27 36  FSK  1841km

Equipment JO59IX: 200W and 2 x 9-ele Yagi (EIRP 10 kW), 500m asl

As usual it was lots of fun operating in the Perseids. My focus was
clearly eastwards, and was honoured by 3 new squares on random FSK.
Phantastic to see how much activity there is in UA3/UT, allthough the
distances become increasingly challenging. The shower intensity seemed
not very impressive, and reduced compared to earlier years. I found the 
maximum, previewed for the late morning on Aug 13, not very noticable.
For my next MS activities I will be looking to try skeds with stations
in the LP/LO fields which are within 2200km radius from Oslo.

© Stefan Heck, last updated 14.8.2011.