LA0BY/p wkd on 144 MHz MS: 2002-08-11 1710 1740 OH8K KP45CB 27 27 16b 4p 15s C 1800 1900 RW3TU LO25BR NIL 1810 1835 UA1AFA KO59EV 27 39 11b 3p 10s C r 1835 1902 RU1AA KP40XD 39 27 mni b+p C r 1900 2000 RA3DQT KO95HK NIL 2000 2035 RW3PF KO93CD 27 2b NC 2035 2047 RA3IS KO76WT 37 26 3b C 2100 2145 UT5ER KN78ER 27 27 6b 4p 15s C 2018km 2145 2157 RX1AS KO59FX 27 39 mni b+p C r 2200 2232 YU7KB JN94XX 27 27 28b 12p 90s C 2235 2300 YU7AZX KN04AX 38 27 11b 4p 8s C r 2325 2340 S51AT JN75GW 27 37 6b 2p 20s C r 2315-2327 OK1UAK JO70MB 26 27 7b 15p 1s C r 2002-08-12 0000 0022 I5TWK/8 JN70GR 38 26 9b 1p 20s C 2120km 0018 0035 I4XCC JN63GV 28 38 15b 6p 3s C r 0035 0050 HA6NY JN98WC 27 27 5b 10s C r 0050 0102 S57TW JN75EX 37 27 7b 3s C r 0100 0115 F5LRL JN26MV NIL 0115 0135 DF1BN JO31GD 37 28 7b 7p 7s C 0210 0237 PE1HWO JO21GV 28 27 20b 8p 30s C 0300 0327 GW8IZR IO73TI 26 26 10b 20s C 0345 0357 ON4AVJ JO11UB 28 27 10b 22p 12s C r 0400 0427 IZ4AIK JN63HV 27 26 mni b+p 40s C 0430 0450 DL3HRT JO61AB 26 26 3b 14p 7s C r 0500 0522 EI5FK IO51RT 26 26 7b 19p 12s C 0525 0540 G1HWY IO90UV 46 27 5b 9p 50s C 0600 0612 HA5OV JN97NJ 27 38 mni b+p 10s C 0709 F6CBH JN19BH 27 37 1b C r SSB 0714 0729 F6FHP IN94TR 37 37 C r SSB 0726 0734 IW2HAJ JN45NO 37 37 C SSB 0738 0746 DL8GP JN39LH 37 27 C r SSB 0744 F6DRO JN03TJ 37 NC r SSB 0753 IZ4BEH JN54WL 38 38 1b C r SSB 0754 F5JNX JN37PV 37 27 1b C r SSB 0759 F6DKW JN18CS 39 39 1b C r SSB 0800 0840 EA6VQ JM19HN NIL 0840 0850 DF8IK JO30JT 27 27 5b 7p 2s C r 0908 0917 IW2DAL JN45NN 49 59 C r SSB 0926 HA2RD JN87WB 37 37 1b C r SSB 0926 F5VHX JN04FT 39 27 1b C r SSB 0930 0934 S55AW JN75DS 38 37 6b 10s C r SSB 0939 S53J JN75EV 38 37 1b C r SSB 0941 1000 S50C JN76JG 39 27 8b C r SSB 0952 S51MQ JN75NT 38 39 1b C r SSB 1007 1042 EI3GE IO63XD 28 28 8b C r SSB 1056 1101 G4ASR IO81MX 39 27 4b C r SSB 1101 G4KWQ IO92AQ 27 NC r SSB 1123 DL8UCC JO71EO 37 26 1b C r SSB 1151 1154 OK2ZW JN89HI 27 37 3b C r SSB 1154 OK2BVE JN99 26 37 1b NC r SSB 1202 IW2BNA JN45ON 37 27 1b C r SSB 1202 1206 OK2BVE JN99 26 37 C r SSB 1206 OK2VSO 27 26 NC r SSB 1218 DL5ROB JN68HG 27 38 1b C r SSB 1232 OM3TZZ JN88 37 27 1b C r SSB 1233 SP3VSC JO92DF 38 37 1b C r SSB 1456 HB9FAP/p JN46EW 27 37 1b C r SSB 1603 LZ2FO KN13KX 37 1b NC r SSB *1 1960km 1617 S52EZ JN86DT 27 27 1b C r SSB *1 1627 DG2KBC JN58MI 38 27 1b C r SSB 1651 I8MPO JN70FP 38 27 1b 120s! C r SSB *1 2128km 1658 9A7D JN95EH 39 39 1b C r SSB 1732 1750 G0FIG IO90UU 27 37 5b C r SSB 1750 1800 DK3XT/p JN49? 37 36 1b NC r SSB 1826 OE8HBQ JN76KP 39 26 NC r SSB *1 1848 S54G JN65TM 37 27 NC r SSB *1 1917 9A2SB JN95GM 37 27 1b C r SSB 2057 2103 G8VHI IO92FM 27 27 3b 5p 8s C SSB 2114 2204 F4CKV JN16NM 37 37 NC r SSB *2 2126 DK5TE JN58BG 39 39 1b C r SSB 2144 DH3IAJ JN48HD 38 38 1b NC r SSB 2222 2223 OM5CM JN98DF 28 38 2b C r SSB 2251 DJ1OJ JN58SE 28 27 1b C r SSB 2252 DH0GHU JN38VN 37 38 1b C r SSB 2252 2259 DG3GAG JN48NB 37 38 1b NC r SSB 2259 2306 9A1CAL JN86EL 38 27 C r SSB 2308 DG1VL JO61VC 39 39 1b C r SSB 2308 DK5YA JN49NX 39 39 1b C r SSB 2319 2318 T94DU JN94IR 49 59 5b C r SSB 2318 IV3NDC JN65RV 39 29 3b C r SSB 2319 9A4EW JN95KG 37 38 1b C r SSB 2319 HA4WQ 28 27 1b NC r SSB *2 2327 IV3GBO JN66OA 28 26 3b C r SSB *2 2331 HA5UK JN97OM 49 57 1b C r SSB 2331 S51WX JN75OS 38 39 1b C r SSB 2331 S51ZO JN86DR 39 39 1b C r SSB 2333 2338 I2FAK JN45PB 39 39 3b C r SSB 2339 2355 DJ5BV JO30KI 37 NC r SSB 2348 S50C JN76JG 27 37 1b C r SSB 2351 DL5GAC JN47UT 39 39 1b C r SSB 2355 DL3IAE/p JN49? 37 39 1b NC r SSB 2357 YU7ON KN04AX 28 27 1b C r SSB 2002-08-13 0004 DL3IAE/p JN49? 37 38 1b NC r SSB 0006 0017 IK1MTZ JN35UB 39 37 5b C r SSB 0009 0017 HA8MV KN06HT 37 37 3b C r SSB 0017 HB9BQU JN37VD 38 39 1b C r SSB 0024 DL3IAE/p JN49? 39 38 1b C r SSB 0048 DH8IAT JN49GC 39 38 1b NC r SSB 0100 HB9DFG JN37SM 39 1b NC r SSB *2 0118 IK0BZY JN61GW 39 59 3b C r SSB *1 1965km 0151 0200 DB8AT JO51DS 37 NC r SSB 0200 0235 IZ1BPN JN35VG 26 37 7b 14p 20s C 0300 0322 I5WBE JN53BR 47 27 mni b 100s C 0400 0430 OK1DRY JN79OW NIL 0510 0525 I5YDI JN54BB 27 37 10b 6p 2s C r *3 0655 0732 OH9NDD KP26UM 27 37 9b 23p 25s C r 0800 0840 EA6VQ JM19HN NIL 0900 0922 G4YTL IO92MB 27 37 C SSB 1022 1041 DC6RN JN59WK 37 26 C r FSK 1052 1110 OK1UAK JO70MB 27 27 NC r FSK 1111 1121 S54M JN86 37 27 C r FSK 1121 1128 DF1IAZ JN49LD 27 37 C r FSK 1134 1145 OK1UAK JO70MB 26 37 C r FSK 1151 1157 DJ5BV JO39KI 27 26 C r FSK 1202 1208 DF2ZC JO30RN 28 37 C r FSK 1215 1222 9A1CAL JN86EL 27 26 C r FSK 1225 1228 OE5KE JN78DF 29 26 C r FSK 1230 1247 DL4ANT JN49LF 26 27 C r FSK 1303 1335 IK0BZY JN61GW 38 26 NC r FSK 1403 1422 RA3DQ KO85US 26 27 C r FSK 1450 1457 HB9SNR JN36MQ 27 27 C r FSK 1506 1517 F6FHP IN94TR 27 27 C r FSK 1524 1550 PE1GNP JO31IX 26 27 C r FSK 1554 1614 OE6IWG JN77PK 28 27 C r FSK 1743 1830 UT5JCW KN64SN 26 27 2b 2p NC r FSK 2333km 1836 1847 9A1CCY JN85OO 36 27 C r FSK 1908 1928 IC8FAX JN70CN 36 27 4s C r FSK 2135km 1937 1949 S53VV JN65UM 27 28 C r FSK 2003 2027 I4LCK JN45RK 27 27 C r FSK 2030 2047 IW2BSQ JN45UJ 26 27 C r FSK 2100 2122 LY2BIL KO24PQ 38 26 2b 4p 8s C 2127 2150 LY2SA KO14LL 27 27 C r 2200 2220 UT5DL KN18EP 47 27 5b 20s C SSB 2002-08-14 0000 0030 YU7BCL KN05FN 26 27 11b 14p 6s C SSB 0100 0141 G0XDI IO91RP 27 28 mni b+p 6s C SSB 0141 0154 G7RAU IO90IR 28 29 3b 8p 3s C SSB 0200 0300 SM2CEW KP15CR NIL 0300 0330 RV3IG KO87OT NIL 0400 0427 IW2DVK JN45MQ 27 27 9b 14p 2s C 0500 0515 IZ5EME JN52NS 27 26 mni b+p 2s C 1865km 0537 0553 F1FIH JN23GS 37 27 C r FSK 0600 0625 F9IE IN86WW 27 26 C SSB *2 0700 0732 EA3DUY JN12LD 26 27 C FSK *2 1973km Comments: *1 on 144,200 MHz *2 applied wrong procedure *3 on 144,100 MHz Ulli DL3YEL joined me again for the trip to Lifjell. We were at 815 m asl (according to his GPS receiver) and housed in a comfortable cottage. The equipment was the same as last year (IC-821H, PA 2 x 4CX250B, 2 x 9-ele-yagi), but we set up some 70 cm gear as well (for the Nordic Activity Contest). The Perseids were clearly weaker in 2002 than in the previous years. One reason was probably that the shower was below the horison during the predicted maximum (early evening on the 12th for Europe). It should be better next year! Perhaps the bad weather situation with major flooding in central Europe also contributed to the low activity. We did not identify a single maximum, but had particularly good periods from 07-12 UTC on August 12, and 23-04 UTC in the following night. Nevertheless, we made many nice contacts on both SSB and HSCW, and for the first time also on FSK441. The maximum QSO distance was equal for all three modes, about 2130 km to JN70 (I8MPO, I5TWX/8 and IC8FAX). Generally, we stayed on 144,188 MHz for HSCW and SSB all the time. When working SSB, we sometimes monitored 144,200 MHz when there was no response on our frequency. Sometimes we called QRZ on 144,188 MHz in our RX period when we observed good reflections on 144,200 MHz, and attracted some stations who were standby. We even answered a few calls on 144,200 MHz but never called CQ there. Most impressive to receive I8MPO at 1650 UTC for 2 minutes (!) at 59+20dB. Lucio was surprised to hear us through "the wall of Germans" as he called it. Later in the night he again came up this strong, together with IK0BZY and IW6CVN/6. We operated FSK441 only for a few hours in the afternoon on the 13th, when SSB and HSCW activity had gone down. We were calling CQ QSY 388 on 144,370 MHz and this worked fine. It was amazing to see how many stations were still on, and how quickly contacts were completed. Lots of garbage is received though, so that one has to receive the details several times in order to be sure they are correct. I think FSK441 is a good supplement to HSCW and SSB, however it does not appear equally exciting to me. I would not spend all the effort going on expeditions for working only FSK441 but it seems great as a "gap filler". Too bad we did not finish with UT5JCW, who we received a good burst from over a distance of 2330 km! The only sked was with EA3DUY and easily completed. The random HSCW activity on 144,100 MHz was extremely poor. It seems that everybody who used a computer for CW keying has now moved to FSK441. One may like it or not but random HSCW appears almost dead. QSO statistics: Mode HSCW SSB FSK Sked 18 8 1 Random 14 52 20 This gives a total number of 113 complete contacts which probably is not bad. We had many NC contacts in SSB this time because reflections on the average did not last as long as in previous years. Also many callers did not follow the procedure what makes it difficult to complete over several bursts. I hope that some of those with a NC mark in the last column will make sure they exchange the final RRR next time. I admit it may be confusing when we call many different stations in short time, but that is the nature of working SSB MS. It is just not efficient to continue with one station when we have good bursts from many others. As we had quite good horison, we also worked many stations on Tropo. Among them were DG5CST and DL2ARD in JO60, DD3SP in JO72 and DL8EBW and DK5DQ in JO31. Now I am running out of good locations in new squares in Southern Norway. Perhaps Ulli found something suitable in JO39? Who knows?
Stefan Heck, last updated 17 August 2002.