LA0BY VHF-UHF-SHF radio operations
LA0BY, last updated 26.8.2020
My radio activities are focused on portable operations from locations that have good horizon. It takes a little effort to get out in the field but it is so much more fun to operate on VHF and up when you have a good take-off. On this page one can get a glimpse of what Hamradio mean to me and also find reports of previous activities.
The pictures show my well proven portable setup for 144 MHz, as normally used from hilltop locations. It consists of 2 x 9-ele Yagis (modified Vårgårda) mounted on a telescopic aluminium mast. I recently improved the ergonomics inside the car by introducing a table for comfortable access to the equipment (picture shows K3 transceiver and high performance transverter typically used in 2 m contests).
During future tropo ducting events I intend to operate also on higher bands, and I am QRV on 432, 1296, 2320/2400 and 10368 MHz. More details can by found in the equipment summary.
Usually I am on ON4KST chat when active, and spot long distance contacts on the DX cluster. I can be reached also by SMS to +47-90114432.
Note on my callsign: In Norway we are not required to use CALL/p for temporary hilltop operations. From May 2002 I will therefore use only LA0BY when operating from somewhere in JO59 square. If you hear LA0BY/p I will be operating from another square than JO59.
Contest activities
I try to participate in the NAC at least on 144 MHz, but in case of condx above average also on other higher bands. I also like to try working long distance contacts during some of the European 24 h contests. Being quite far away from the activity centers, this is most fun if at least slightly enhanced propagation comes up. The chance for this is highest in the summer and autumn contests.
Over the many years of activity on VHF and higher bands, I had several outstanding radio contacts in terms of distance, pushing the boundaries of my longest distance contacts (ODX). I also managed several first-time contacts from Norway on various bands.
Commented logbook extracts from special activities
This captures enhanced propagation events from JO59 as well as DXpeditions.
DXpedition to JP43/44/51 in 2017
Meteorscatter on 144 MHz during particular showers
Perseids 2008 from JN02SV (France!)
Perseids 2004 from JO59BA/FW/IX
Perseids 1999 from JP61AF and JP61DB
(a while ago ...) Joint activities with LA9NEA and LA8KV on 70cm from JO59DX
My activities as JW0BY on 2m from Svalbard